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Who we are

Threads are...

three artists for whom health and conversations about it are central to our practice.  With research and art making we seek to transfer insights from current research in the medical field with machine learning, and to link with the rich history of knowing in various forms. 
Through sharing our findings of involvement of existing ideas and actions, we hope to clarify translations and demystify mis-conceptions, welcome voices from different perspectives, and begin conversations as to how we might better see the place of this research.


Lois Bentley

is an artist concerned with dismantling and mantling; the roles we acquire and the stories we tell of who we are. Metal is my preferred medium, moving between 3D and 2D works. Research is focused on the moment of trust within a clinical episode of care, drawing upon embodied cognition and circus arts – our body knows. I am curious to discover the ways in which art-making can elicit this otherwise hidden voice.

Rose Mengmei Zhou

as an artist and creative technologist, Rose works with the bodily experience of living among the messy and intricate interconnectivity. She explores ways of navigating this landscape mediated by cascades of technologies, sensing and visualising connectivities, working across physical and digital realms. Her artmaking welcomes a becoming, staging playful encounters of bodies and performative processes, in the light of reframing perspectives on human’s relationships with those that are classified as inanimate, probing shades of hidden stories.

Riko Yasumiya

is an artist, who producing visual works and artefacts that relate to human anatomy and how this informs and encourages greater awareness of how the body works with a range of media appropriate to teaching and presentational requirements, including textile, mixed media, 3D construction and installation. The materials used encourage tactile and kinetic responses from those engaging with them while presenting graphic information that relates directly to medical knowledge.


Collaboration: SENSES in HEALTHCARE

This is a commission work for 'SENSES in HEALTHCARE' at The watershed Bristol, UK
Commissioned byUniversity of Bristol
This conference is hosted by the Wellcome Trust-funded network‘ Senses and Modern
Health/care Environments: Exploring interdisciplinary and international opportunities’.

Created by Threads and a scientist, Dr Richard Colchester(UCL)

Collaboration: Picture of Health

This is a commission work for 'A Picture of Health' at Elephant West
Commissioned by
Medical Research Council (MRC) London Institute of Medical Sciences
with University College London (UCL)
Created by Kaidance team: Threads and a scientist, Jonny Jackson
Art & Health collaboration at public events


Elephant West

explore the role of Artificial Intelligence in our current and future healthcare, what happens with our data and can we trust the systems that collect it.

“Immaculate, moving and precise…….. effective and sometimes only art can explain it like that, history can’t, science can’t, maths can’t….with precision,  an odd precision.  You know, you go in and you see…...and straight away you think - ok thank-you so much! I’ve really got that now”.

Acknowledgement: speaking of our Held in the Gaze artworks at Elephant West.  Emily, recorded in conversation.


Science Museum

Information Age: Art of Innovation ​Adults-only, after-hours. Talk to the artist-scientist collaborators about the artworks, participate in interactive activities

A technology never seen before Olivetti Lettera 25 typewriter 

“So how does this work?”

“It feels great to use this!....a truly digital technology, using only the ten fingers of a human hand with no electronic interface between human and machine”

Members of the public interacting with Held in the Gaze artworks, which we specially adapted to fit within the constraints of the Science Museum requirements.


London LASER

explore the role of Artificial Intelligence in our current and future healthcare, what happens with our data and can we trust the systems that collect it.

What does it take to make a flourishing art-science collaboration?

Our Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare, as applied to the heart.

“ I was intrigued. It was a kind of performative delivery, starting with that robotic heartbeat booming out, then the way you passed the story easily between artist and scientist”

Silvia, member of audience at art-science discussion and networking event


LASER is a project of Leonardo® /ISAST (the International Society for Art, Science and Technology). London LASER is organised by Heather Barnett in collaboration with students on the MA Art & Science at Central Saint Martins.

An evening of talks and discussion exploring the relationships between art, health and medical research


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© 2019 RikoYasumiya

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